Hey, this is my first ever blog entry.I often have some insights and bitching(ranting for all of you delicate souls) about things that piss me off.
So I decided to give this blogging thing a go, we'll see how it goes.
So here are a few ground rules regarding my blog, please read them to avoid surprises later(unless you like that sort of thing {freaks}).
- This blog will contain the following: Computer Technical posts,Geekery,Bitching about things that piss the monkeys out of me,porn - yes loads of it,Random thoughts of mine.
- Update frequency will be in correlation with my breeding frequency of Staring frog from Southern Sri-Lanka.
- Blup.
- Why I do this ----> |Blog Title|
- Humans are evil!!!!
- Comments are welcome.
- Dumb comment == smack in the face. Why? ---> |Blog Title|
Ok, so I like, checked your profile, and found that you like playing doctor - clicking on it, I found out that only one other blogger likes that, and apperently has some other interesting hobbies as well.
Sup with this bullshit!!!!
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